Monday, December 29, 2008

Look at what I have made!

I made this scarf about six months ago, I am finally posting it lol. It is camo if you can see(the pic isn't that great). It didn't take me that long to do I really worked on it. It was really fun, so fun that I am making me a scarf (this one isn't mine, made it for a friend) I will post on that one. I got some money and I am hopefully going to get more yarn to make me some scarfs or for other people. Take care! Em♫

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baby Preacher!

So me and my mom were watching stuff on a website called Godtube, and we came across this. We were laughing (well mostly my mom), it's just so cute your gonna have to watch it yourself. Take care Em♫

What's going on

Ok so I haven't posted anything in a long time, so I thought I would let you know what I have been up to. Last week I went to a friends house and she taught me how to Knit. I was really excited to learn, I was very frustrated when I started cause it was so hard, but now I got the hang of it. I started a scarf yesterday (for on of my friends), it is camo he said that he has always wanted a scarf so I said I will make him one. I can't wait until it is done, I'm almost halfway done. Right now my mother is make Cinnamon rolls for some people for it smells really good in the house, and the kitchen is really messy too ( wish it wasn't my week). Tomorrow me and my mom are going to one of our friends house to have tea, can't wait for that. Well I better go I'm going to do school for tomorrow. Take care Em♫

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I've been stuck in the 50's and 60's music for about the last two months. I just love how it sounds, it's (in my opinion) better then today's music (but I still like today's music). I've been listening to Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, Beatles, Elvis Presley, Ben E. King, The Marcles, The Beach Boys, and Bob McFerin. My all time favorite is Elvis Presley, he is awesome. I felt like putting some pictures up, don't know why but ya..Em♫

Elvis Presley

Frank Sinatra

Bobby Darrin

Youth Group

OH BOY I was embarrassed when I had to do this, this was for youth group and we ( another girl) had to dress up as old ladies. I thought it was gonna be fine until some of the girls wanted to put a pillow...well you can tell where it is. I really didn't like that idea, but I did it was really really embarrassing. I got away with one thing though the girls wanted to put baby powder in my hair so my hair could look old lookin, so I was happy I didn't have to do that. So we were walking out and everyone (of course) was laughing and my dad say, " WHOA! Did you see that, Emilie turn to the side" I said no but everyone was like what? So I did and they started laughing. There were four other people that had to dress up, two girls had to be pregnant ( I think to be Mary) and the two boy had to dress up as old men. Note: there are some weird games that we have to do at youth group as you can tell. Em♫

My face shows that I am embarressed.