Friday, February 27, 2009

TEN things I like

I thought I would do a post about things that I like here we go.

NUMBER ONE: I don't know where a pic of my family is =c( I LOVE them!=CD







NOTE: This is not my drawing.

NUMBER EIGHT: Spending time with my friends

NUMBER NINE: Learning Gods word

NUMBER TEN: Playing xbox 360

So these all are things that I like, take care! EM♫

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What I did today!

So today probably wasn't all that great, but it was a all right day.=cD It started out with my dad coming into my room and yelling and yelling, "Get up EMILIE! You know I don't like my eggs and toast all cold." So I got up and ate a yummy break fest (Thanks MOM)! Got ready and then did school for three hours and went out side to clean up the yard with my bro's, and then went to town for an orthodontist appointment. I got rubber bands in my teeth, that took like one minuet to do. Then me and my mom went shopping (just a little bit). Then we picked up some of my little bro's friends. Now I'm waiting for food and the I'll go to a class tonight! Take care Em♫

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Yesterday morning me and my big bro got our licences! Yep the test was really really easy they had us do a three point turn and then drive for about three minuets. Then we got our pictures and then we went home, I went to the post office to send something off, then we went to youth group! I would have smiled in the picture buy I had my teeth pulled and I didn't want that to be in the picture for until were twenty Take care EM♫

Psalms 24

This song is Psalms 24 the band is called Sons of Korah they turned Psalms into a song (I'm not sure if the did all of the Psalms) but this song we are going to sing in church tomorrow. I'm really excited, it's an amazing song. I will be playing the keyboard (the guitar notes) and maybe sing, I don't know if I will. But of course we will have the drums and guitar, and wonderful singers. So I can't wait for tomorrow check out the song. Take care! EM♫

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What a day!

Today was busy busy! First I had a orthodontist appointment at 9:15 so I went and had a molding done of my teeth, and had TONS and TONS of pictures tooken of my teeth, and they took a look at my teeth to see which ones need to be pulled. I need to get a lot done with my teeth after the are pulled out (which happens next Tuesday yeah!) I go in three weeks after that and get a pallet expander but in the three weeks I go back on Tuesdays and get ready for the pallet expander, and I'll have that for three months and I should get my bottom braces at the beginning of the three months. Then after the three months I get my top braces, then I'll have those for two years. But back to what I was saying, after all that was done we all (except for my dad) went to get our teeth cleaned that took about an hour my little little bro got his teeth not to long ago and he was upset that he couldn't get his teeth cleaned so the lady told him that she can brush his teeth for him he was happy about that. Then after that we went and got our haircuts, and my little little bro got his hair cut not too long ago also, and he was sad that he couldn't get a haircut so my mom said he could and he got one..he didn't need one, but oh well. So after that we went back to the orthodontist and gave them some stuff, then we went to Safeway and got some food, a lot of sugary stuff so I can eat it before I get my teeth After about thirty minuets we left and went home and got home around 2:30. So that was my....our busy busy ya though you all wanted to know. Take care EMILIE♫

Sunday, February 8, 2009


These are some of the pictures that I took about three weeks ago, I did have more to put up when I was downloading them it messed up so I'll do them another time..=cD. So hope you enjoy! Take care, Em♫

This is Macy she's my dog for all the people that don't know that.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So today I am starting piano lessons again hopefully it will work out well. I've been playin for about 3 years. I only played in a concert twice, I have a big deal with people watching me play cause I attend to mess up a lot and I get really nervous, but in those two times I thought I did fine but I did mess I am working on that. I am now playing the keyboard for my church and hopefully I will be playing the piano for them too we'll see on that. So I thought I would share this with you. Take care! Em♫

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

PureNRG- Leave a comment about them..

This is a band called PureNRG they are a young kids as you can tell, my friend wanted me to put this up and see what you guys thought of them please leave a comment and tell me what you think of them, thanks! Em♫