Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My scarf

I Finished this about a week ago, I crochet it, I started many things but this is my first thing that I actually finished. It took me a while because I stop and wait a month and do some more and so I finally got around to finish it..I'm happy about it. My mom said I should make everyone one for Christmas..I have enough for My little little brothers, it's going to be the same color but smaller. Its a perfect size for me.


Elissa said...

That's really great Emily! Crocheting scarves is really fun!!!
Great job!

Jenn Stauffer said...

You did a great job... just think the more you make the faster you will get! I would like a red one a blue one pink would be nice... and maybeeven a black one. can i put my orderin for christmas? love ya!

Momma said...

Very nice! And I love your blog look!
