Wednesday, February 4, 2009

PureNRG- Leave a comment about them..

This is a band called PureNRG they are a young kids as you can tell, my friend wanted me to put this up and see what you guys thought of them please leave a comment and tell me what you think of them, thanks! Em♫


Unknown said...

okay so i thin kthat they are a pretty good group. I like thier song "pray" but I can only find it on youtube and my computer blocks that now. I think they are a little border line as in kind of Christian kinda not. They did the song "footloose" and "aint no mountain high enough" which are both secular songs but at the same time they have some really good Christian stuff. there is nothing wrong with these other songs. there you go that is what I think of this band :) you didn't tell us what you thought of it? :)


Hi! My name is Rachel. I am homeshooled and live in GA. I am 15 years old. I am a Christian. I enjoy your blog and think you have a very cute little brother!